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The windmills of my mind. Oh. Hang on. That's not my mind, it's Toora.


to Bairnsdale via Bairnsdale

bike path good. highway bad.

20-30km/h headwind starts up just as I leave Bairnsdale. Morning was clear and wind still. Is this fair?

Met some German bicycle tourists heading towards Bairnsdale having changed their plan of getting to Sale in favour of a tailwind. Consider my options while getting colder in a bus shelter at a country road junction. Wind doesn't ease.

Dutch woman also heading to Bairnsdale stops to chat, seeing me huddled out of the wind, knees in jumper, foetal-style. She continues. So do I.

After 10 minutes I turn around and head back to Bairnsdale, because everyone else seems to be. Return to caravan park. Pitch tent in exactly the same position.

Join spontaneously constituted Joint European/Australian Cycle-touring Socialising / Bike-repair Committee for afternoon coffee, which becomes pre-dinner drinks and then dutch/australian subcommitte dinner. (hi jo)